Monday, February 10, 2025

All Creatures Here Below 2019 Trailer Filma


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U kinima od Maj 2019. Godine
Naziv: All Creatures Here Below (2019)

Žanr FilmaDrama
Trajanje: 1h 31min
Redatelj: Collin Schiffli
Scenarist: David Dastmalchian
Glavne Uloge: Karen Gillan, David Dastmalchian, Jennifer Morrison, John Doe, Richard Cabral, David Koechner …
Radnja Filma: Gensan (David Dastmalchian) i Ruby (Karen Gillan) žive na rubu društva u Los Angelesu, boreći se da prežive u surovom siromaštvu. U sudbonosnoj noći oni se trude da uhvate nešto što im je uvijek bilo uskraćeno, što pokreće niz događaja s teškim posljedicama. Traže utočište u svom rodnom gradu Kansas Cityju, mjestu ispunjenom mračnim tajnama koje su ih progonile otkako su pobjegle prije mnogo godina.

IMDB i Trailer Filma All Creatures Here Below:

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Denis Nekic
Denis Nekic
ABOUT: Founder of "Recenzije Filmova i Serija". I am just one of those people who love to watch films and series. I can be considered as movie freak or movie enthusiast as I generally watch new movies playing in cinemas. I also enjoy watching US television series and occasionally Asian series. In addition, I would like to clarify the rating which I put at the end of my post. This rating is given purely based on my subjective opinion and total enjoyment of watching the movie. So if I truly enjoy the movie or TV series, for sure the rating would be high, whereas if I am unable to enjoy it, most likely the rating would be lesser.

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