Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Clickbait Season 1 (2021) Trailer Serije


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Netflix je objavio prvi službeni teaser za “Clickbait”, novu, nadolazeću misteriozno-triler seriju u kojoj glumi glumac “Entourage” Adrian Grenier kao suprug i obiteljski čovjek koji se nađe upetljan u opasnu mrežu mučenja i obmana nakon što je netko razotkrio njegova mračna osobna povijest na društvenim mrežama.

Zoe Kazan (iz “The Big Sick”) također glumi sestru Adriana Greniera, dok Betty Gabriel (iz “Get Out”) glumi Grenierovu suprugu u ovoj novoj Netflixovoj mini seriji, koju je kreirao Tony Ayres (ko-kreator filma Australska serija “Bez državljanstva”) i Christian White (scenarist australskog horor filma “Relic”).

Filmaši Brad Anderson (Mašinist, sesija 9), Emma Freeman (Apatrid, Tidelands) i Ben Younger (Kotlovnica, Bleed for This) među redateljima su koji su imali epizode s kormilarima.

Clickbait Season 1 Episode 1 od Augusta, 2021

Tv Series Radnja ukratko:

Kada je obiteljski čovjek Nick Brewer otet u zločinu sa zlokobnim internetskim preokretom, najbliži se utrkuju kako bi otkrili tko stoji iza toga i zašto.

Tv Series Detalji:
Glavne uloge Glumci: Zoe Kazan, Betty Gabriel, Adrian Grenier, Phoenix Raei, Elizabeth Alexander, Abraham Lim, Jessie Collins, Ian Meadows, Steve Mouzakis, Daniel Henshall, Motell Foster, Jaylin Fletcher, Cameron Engels
Kreator: Brad Anderson, Emma Freeman, Ben Young, Laura Besley (various episodes)
Žanr: Krimi, Drama, Misterija Tv Series
Trajanje: /
Zemlja: USA, Australia
Objavio: IMDB

Trailer Tv Series:

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Denis Nekic
Denis Nekic
ABOUT: Founder of "Recenzije Filmova i Serija". I am just one of those people who love to watch films and series. I can be considered as movie freak or movie enthusiast as I generally watch new movies playing in cinemas. I also enjoy watching US television series and occasionally Asian series. In addition, I would like to clarify the rating which I put at the end of my post. This rating is given purely based on my subjective opinion and total enjoyment of watching the movie. So if I truly enjoy the movie or TV series, for sure the rating would be high, whereas if I am unable to enjoy it, most likely the rating would be lesser.

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